Another Outing

I started my sixth novel at the turn of the year. This one is a sequel to Resolution, so a modern detective story with a bit of a supernatural twist. Another outing for Pascale Hervé.

It’s faltered a bit since I started. I’d got a fair chunk written before I ran out of steam. Other things got in the way and I hit a block. I knew where the story was going, but I wasn’t sure how I was going to progress it. My usual approach to this is to walk away and let it stew in my mind. I’m not doing this for a living and I don’t have any deadlines. It’s a distraction that I do for the fun of it. This past few days, I’ve been back at the keyboard rattling out the denouement. I’m pretty much there with my first draft now. I still have the wrapping up scenes to write and I can start the editing process. As is usual, I’ve underwritten it by around ten to fifteen thousand words or so. This seems to be a consistent pattern – I under write rather than over write. The first draft comes in at around 60,000 words and I have to go back and put in what I’ve missed out. The final novel should be around seventy-five thousand words by the time I’ve finished.

Then it can go out for beta reading. Looks like I’ll be done for the autumn.

In the meantime, I have a short story or two for the next Underdog anthologies brewing away.


  1. Sorry to be OT but this was the subject of an older post and the comments are closed. Elsewhere I spotted some straight talking on the subject of “Time Blindness”.

    “That’s a *you* problem, sweetie. Get your s**t together and f****n be a productive member of society. You think that the world’s supposed to cater to you? Nah, f**k outta here with that! I absolutely *dread* going into work most days, but I’m getting paid good for a good job, I’m going to be able to pay off my college debt in a few years, I’m going to use some of my grandmother’s inheritance to put a down payment on a house soon, and I’m planning on getting married to my girl and traveling the world. Not only that, but I have 3 square meals a day, a roof over my head, a car that works, and a job that although sometimes dreadful, I can still get up to work on time, because not everyone is a pussy who can’t get to work because you think the world revolves around you. I’m sick of people in Gen-Z who think that the world is going to cater to them. Nope. Not happening. Suck it up, buttercup.”

    I just thought that it was too good not to share.

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