Believe All Women

Just sayin‘…

A mother who put her ex-partner ‘though hell’ with false rape and assault claims has been jailed for more than three years at Northampton Crown Court.

Sinead Nelson, 28, from Irthlingborough alleged on multiple occasions that she had been raped, assaulted, and received malicious messages from her former partner.

Her fake allegations led to him being arrested and questioned on four separate occasions, by two different police forces.

The emotional distress he experienced because of her false accusations lost him his home, job, friendships and support from his family.

In his victim statement, he said that Nelson had previously threatened to destroy his life, and in his view, she had succeeded.

Because the ‘victim’ is always pure as the driven snow and never lies.


  1. Some friends family and employer he ended up with poor sod, who needs enemies if thats the standard of those close to you.

    Well he’s been to rock bottom, hopefully better times will come his way.

  2. Luckily my ex-wife is reasonably sane, just moans every now and then about splitting of the assets. Every once in two three years or so so not very often. Actually, she’s not that bothersome when it comes to ex-wives, jugding by some movies from the 80’s and 70’s.

  3. Three years is not enough. Her sentence should have reflected wht his would have been. The average sentence “just” for rape is about 5 years, adding the “murder threats” would have increased that. Seven to ten years would have been justice.

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