Stupidity and Malice Combined

One of the things I’ve noticed about the trans activists is not only their scientific illiteracy, but also their spitefulness towards those who disagree with them, which is pretty much everybody who knows what a woman is. So it was with Lynsay Watson.

Lynsay Watson sent a free speech campaigner, Harry Miller, over 1200 messages online over the course of 18 months, where she branded his campaign group Fair Cop as “domestic terrorists” for having views on gender identity that were “in direct contradiction to her own”.

Watson is a bloke, mind, just so that we don’t get confused. Anyway, Watson doesn’t like people having views that contradict his own, so  he instigated a campaign of harassment. This is not free speech and it should never be considered so.

Watson, a police officer, initially sent messages from her own personal account before being warned by a senior member of her team that she should troll anonymously because Miller, formerly in the force, had made a formal complaint to Leicestershire police.

Right, so that senior colleague didn’t tell him to stop, merely to hide his tracks. It seems that Watson wouldn’t be much cop as an undercover detective, because he was detected fairly easily.

Watson said her messages were her acting on behalf of the LGBTQ community, and that the reason she was messaging anonymously was to gather evidence about whether there were unknown officers also a part of Fair Cop.

Two points here: Who the fuck appointed this self righteous jerk as the champion of the alphabet people? And who appointed him to gather evidence about serving officers? No one apparently.

Watson admitted to gross conduct[sic] and breaching standards of professional behaviour, but denied breaching standards relating to honesty and integrity. She was subsequently sacked from her role.

Sacking him was the least that should have happened. He has committed criminal offences and should be prosecuted for those. And let’s be clear here, this is not cancel culture, this is perfectly reasonable consequences for illegal behaviour from a police officer. It’s also worth noting that Watson, formerly Alex Horwood has something of a history, having been sacked from the BTP for bad behaviour. He even managed to piss off his union and they dropped him. Sounds like a real charmer. But, then, he is exactly the type of narcissist that we find in trans activism.


  1. There was a time when you could either resolve disagreements with a reasoned discussion or agree to differ. Now it seems that the way to go is to close your eyes, stamp your feet and scream ’tis ’tis ’tis like a toddler.

  2. “Now it seems that the way to is to closeout eyes, stamp your feet and scream ’tis ’tis ’tis like a toddler. Just waiting the the first bearded transactivist to change his name to Violet Elizabeth Bott (sadly, I doubt anyone under the age of 40 will understand that).

    • I’ll thcream and thcream and thcream until I’m thick. Don’t you know that it’s out of order to make fun of speech impediments these days?

      Spike Milligan performed at a wartime concert party with a comedy jazz outfit called The Bill Hall Trio. The compare said he would put them in the miggle of the show and asked what they wanted to be announced as. Milligan said D battery dance duo with Doug on drums.

  3. It’s a mental illness. Like the Emperors new clothes the media and NHS are too scared to point it out.

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