I Hope They Win

I despise Greenpeace with the same vigour that I despise all the ecoloons trying to impose their ideology on the rest of us. So I wish Shell well.

Shell is suing Greenpeace for £1.7million in damages after activists boarded the company’s oil production vessel in transit at sea this year.

Six activists boarded the vessel in January near the Canary Islands off the Atlantic coast of northern Africa to protest against oil drilling, and travelled on it for 13 days and almost 4,000km, making it as far as Norway.

They used ropes to hoist themselves on to the vessel from inflatable boats that chased the ship at high speed as it travelled to the Penguins oil and gas field in the North Sea, which has not yet begun production.

Frankly, that was an act of piracy and should be treated as such – including the Marshall’s dance. Still, suing the bastards into penury is a next best. I hope they win. I really do. Greenpeace are scum.


  1. I find it hard to believe that 1.7 million was incurred in expenses. Surely these people could just have been thrown in the brigg and fed on slops? Maybe brought up on deck for a flogging occasionally but I can’t see that costing much. Seriously though, this is criminal activity and should be treated as such.

    • It could quite easily tot up to crazy amounts.
      I imagine they would have to stop the shop until they found all the boarders as a security precaution. This would delay the ship and if they disrupt production or construction of something, that can quite easily have a big knock on effect.
      Then they have to feed them, even if they are in the brig. So might need to helicopter out supplies to the ship at short notice.
      Plus legal fees.
      Where I work if one of the machines goes down its costed in the £1000s per hour. Some continuous food production lines are measured in the £10,000’s per hour. So could easily see a ship like this being expensive.

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