Kingswood By-Election

So I’ll have to face two elections this year. Now that my MP has resigned his seat – a seat that will vanish due to boundary changes, we have a by-election. Reform UK made a decision not to waste powder on this one. I can see their point. However, it would have been a useful testing ground. So, I’ve made a decision. I will go to the ballot and I’ll write ‘Reform UK’ on it and put a tick next to it. I gather that I won’t be alone.


  1. Waste of time. They won’t pay any attention.

    Just put a big cross next to the conservatives to make sure they know you don’t want them to get in.

    • It’s all a waste of time unless the civil service is reformed. I could stay tat home, but a little organised protest is no bad thing. Even if it just makes us feel a little better.

      • Might help a little to buttonhole the party poll watchers on the way out, and explain your position to them. There is a small chance they will pass your objections up the chain.

  2. I always turn out. I don’t want the politicians blaming voter apathy for a poor turn out, I want them to know that my not voting for them is a conscious decision.

    • I used to think like that. After all, some woman threw herself under a racehorse to get me the vote.

      But unless Reform stands in my constituency it’s a waste of time. And probably is even if they do stand.

  3. You need to write beside each candidate why you aren’t voting for them. It’s not going to count but any comment written on a ballot paper has to be read out to the prospective candidate it refers to.

  4. @Flamingo Girl. Every spoiled ballot has to be confirmed by the candidates agents, the candidates themselves don’t need to be present. Most are swiftly ignored, the only interest is in those that could be argued to be a vote for one of the candidates.

  5. I don’t know whether the spoiled ballots could be ignored if there were enough of them. The supine media would probably play down the significance of them or probably not report them at all. But if the numbers were really significant I might cause some waves.

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