Um… Nah

Scared off, maybe.

Shirley Rosemary Flynn believes her beauty is getting in the way of her finding love.

The 41-year-old model claims she can’t get a date because men are scared off by her looks. Single Shirley hasn’t been on a date for six years and despite arranging meet ups, she says potential suitors often cancel on her at the last minute. She also claims she struggles to make friends because women envy her appearance and don’t want her stealing their limelight. When her sister gets invited on nights out and to weddings, Shirley gets told she can’t come.

It’s not by beauty – although we are told beauty is in the eye of the beholder, so maybe not in mine…


  1. You should have a trigger warning on this. I clicked on the article to see what all the fuss was, scrolled down and threw up.

  2. Is there an “app” on Smart Phones which does the reverse of the usual “prettyfy me”? Uglyfy me? I cannot be a “Tranz” because who would want these bazookas?
    How could the photographer keep his camera steady. Either from laughter, or fear?

  3. The 41-year-old model claims she can’t get a date because men are scared off by her looks.

    This is true. Just not in the way that she likes to think…

    “I’m not going to give up on hope, I’m not 80 yet and I’m still looking ,” said Shirley. “I just need to find that one guy who’s ready to rise to the challenge of dating me and being with me.

    Rise to the challenge of being with her? Translation: she’s a demanding bitch.

    “One guy I met on social media, I liked him a lot but I think he got a bit frightened and pulled out at the last minute.

    God I hope so. Could you imagine her kids?

  4. She was made when meat was cheap and make up was cheaper still …

    Does she organise Pollyfilla parties for aspiring models? I’ve seen less plaster on a pebble dashed house.

  5. In my early 20’s I worked behind a bar in a nightclub. There was one girl on the bar who was stunning, and all the lads who worked there fancied her.
    One day it was announced that she had got together with this ugly, non-entity lad who worked there and we all surprised, to say the least.
    When we decided to pry, we found out her reason was, “He asked”. Nobody else had worked up the courage to ask her out. They all snoozed and all lost

    So with that story in mind, and thinking this woman may be telling true, I clicked on the link…

    My invoice for new computer equipment is in the post

  6. Praise be! There is an upside to being old, well married, and having poor eyesight.

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