And the Other Third?

Good grief!

Two-thirds of Labour voters believe a woman cannot have a penis, new polling shows.

Which means that a third are even more batshit crazy.

Labour has been deeply divided on trans issues in recent years and Sir Keir was confronted during a radio interview on Friday by a woman who accused him of speaking “absolute twaddle” on the issue.

Well, yes, it’s what he does. He’s a nasty shit who will do or say whatever is needed to get into power.

For the record, 0% of women have penises. Any women who do, are men.


  1. He’s a nasty shit who will do or say whatever is needed to get into power.

    It’s worse than that… he will parrot the ideas of the last person to speak to him, until a more voteworthy idea is presented to him. Repeat.

    You don’t see him ‘taking the knee’ anymore do you?

  2. “polling shows….”

    Well, do you believe polls any more?

    Who instigated this poll and who published it, and what was the purpose in doing so?

    Even within the context of the Londonistan bubble it’s asinine.

    There is no positive reason to vote labour, none whatsoever if you have any sort of real world concern about anything. There is no reason to vote tory either.

    Who says all this anti tory anger is going to manifest as labour votes?


    We’re not children, we know what a shit show this country has been turned into and we know getting it back to any sort of normality will require pain and sacrifice.

    I don’t know about anybody else, but I would willingly accept all that entailed if a government stepped forward with an honest programme to bring it about.

    The globo-filth want to steal everything I have anyway, so if I am to lose it, or most of it, at least let it be done restoring what once was so after I am gone those to come can at least have a shot at getting what I had.

    Or is it too late?

    Maybe, but if an attempt is to be made, it has to start somewhere. Reform look to be be the best last hope!

    As the angry bootneck put it, “don’t let the perfect get in the way of good enough”

    I would give serious money to know what labours private polling – where they must be asking real people about real questions – is telling them, as opposed to inane shite like this, which is what the globo-filth allow to be publicized.

  3. The transgender fad seems to me to be a form of collective insanity, I’m sure that is how it will be viewed by history.

    Regarding Reform. I think that sorting our mess out is such a huge task that would need miracle workers to sort out so I don’t expect too much. As I see it they are the only hope for any kind of change of direction. All of the main parties are committed to the same downhill trajectory just at different speeds so something needs to happen. I was disappointed that their leaflet only mentioned immigration as an issue. Abolishing compulsory EVs and heat pumps, abandoning Net Zero and the climate change act, out of control tax borrowing and spending. All of these issues need addressing too.

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