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Signs and Portents

June 7, 2024 Longrider 5

Earlier this week, the planets aligned. Also this week, Michael Dunlop set a new record with his 27th TT win and George Monbiot wrote an […]

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The Hit Pieces Start

June 4, 2024 Longrider 13

Nigel Farage is getting under their skin at the Guardian. Reform UK’s leader, who is also its majority shareholder, has influence over rightwing, socially conservative voters. […]

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Oh, do

June 3, 2024 Longrider 7

Fuck off. Just random thoughts here, but perusing the headlines at the Guardian, I see some witch in a hijab whining about white male MPs […]

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The Gateway Fallacy

June 2, 2024 Longrider 12

Watching porn leads to noncing. Viewing pornography does not mean someone will necessarily escalate to illegal sexual images but, for the men the foundation worked with, “adult […]