Not the Messiah

Just very naughty boys.

Five Just Stop Oil activists have been jailed for a total of 21 years for climbing onto M25 gantries and bringing the motorway to a standstill.

Just Stop Oil co-founder Roger Hallam, 57, from Wales, received five years, while Daniel Shaw, 38, from Northampton; Lucia Whittaker De Abreu, 34, from Derby; Louise Lancaster, 58, from Cambridge; and Cressida Gethin, 22, from Hereford, were given four years behind bars each.

They were all found guilty at Southwark Crown Court of conspiracy to commit public nuisance after they unfurled Just Stop Oil banners from the gantries in November 2022, forcing police to close the road.

Sentencing, Judge Christopher Hehir said: “The plain fact is that each of you some time ago has crossed the line from concerned campaigner to fanatic.

Excellent. It could have been longer, but I’ll live with the fact that these cretins have now ruined their lives over this nasty little stunt. Maybe, just maybe, others will think twice.

“You have appointed yourselves as sole arbiters of what should be done about climate change.”

Quite so. At least other cults don’t try to impose themselves on the public at large. Give me the Scientologists any day.


  1. Serves the entitled bastards right. I was watching an episode of Helicopter ER the other night where the medics were treating a heart attack patient.Intubation , insertion of cannulas, and sundry other bits were used, all made from plastic derived from oil.I wondered then what would be used if plastics were no longer available.

  2. Action have consequences – finally!

    Not anything like the consequences there should be, but it’s a start.

    Margaret Thatcher, of course, destroyed the unions – or at least the ones that were around then – as the leftwaffe mythology has it, but if she did, it was by bringing them back under the rule of law.

    I well recall “secondary picketting” (most unions did not actually do this, but the ones that did….) where those with no interest in somebody else’s dispute could find themselves and their employer severely disrupted and out of pocket.

    Then it became possible to sue unions for this sort of thing (I don’t honestly know if these were new laws at the time, or just application of laws that already were in place. The effect was the same).

    This is what needs to happen with these infantilised layabouts.

    Protest all you like.

    Stand there howling at the moon until you turn into a pillar of salt.

    But DON’T disrupt people’s lives.

    The only reason they do is because they know they are wrong.

    Perhaps this will begin, we can but hope.

    Even stupid, spoiled children like these might think that a bit of “martyrdom” will help their “cause” and it may well encourage contributions from other spiteful infants

    But if the money was to be taken away as compensation by the courts?

  3. Think back to when eco-nutters invaded the track at Silverstone. They were arrested and remanded on bail, except for two who were remanded in custody, which turned out to be several months. Now that’s a precedent!

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