Monkey pox – or as it is now known, mpox. Be afraid, very afraid.
A major public health emergency has been declared following the outbreak of a mutant mpox strain and scientists fear it could spread out of control.
The only thing out of control is the hysteria.
The Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) has seen more than 13,700 cases and 450 fatalities this year alone.
That’s out of 99 million. So not really something we should worry about. So should we worry?
Mpox (previously known as monkeypox) is a rare infection most commonly found in west or central Africa. There has recently been an increase in cases in the UK, but the risk of catching it is low.
No, not really.
Mpox can be passed on from person to person through:
- any close physical contact with mpox blisters or scabs (including during sexual contact, kissing, cuddling or holding hands)
- touching clothing, bedding or towels used by someone with mpox
- the coughs or sneezes of a person with mpox when they’re close to you
So close physical contact, then.
You’re extremely unlikely to have mpox if:
- you have not been in close contact (such as touching their skin or sharing towels, clothes or bedding) with someone who has mpox or has mpox symptoms
- you have not recently travelled to west or central Africa
Anyone can get mpox.
Currently most cases have been in men who are gay, bisexual or have sex with other men, so it’s particularly important to be aware of the symptoms if you’re in these groups.
Do any of these apply to you? No? Then move along, nothing to see here. Still, it does make for a scary headline and it does give the usual suspects another tool to tighten the ratchet on our liberties.
Remember when we had this Monkey Pox outbreak a few years ago amongst gay community and the usual suspects were all “This is the new COVID”, but it was exclusively related to unsanitary sexual practices?
Suddenly the story went away when children and dogs started catching it, because why would children or dogs be catching a disease that was only transmitted through extremely gross acts of sexual depravity?
Mutant Monkey Pox? So should it not be mmpox.
So if you come across a randy monkey make your excuses and leave.
As the News Of The Woods reporters used to say.
“mmpox” – Hanson’s less successful single release.
Perhaps we’ll see more “Refugees Welcome” placards with “However, if you are carrying the Monkey Pox, you can fuck off” added?
The “Findings” paragraph in this summary from the Lancet says it all:
96.4% of those identified as having this disease are homosexual men … and the other 3.6%, when asked if they engage in homosexual practices, the answer is noted on their medical records as “Deny”.
So make of that what you will.
There is also the 3.3% case fatality rate – and that’s in DRC where medical care is flaky to unavailable. In most cases it’s apparently a mild illness.
The WHO appears to be struggling to justify its existence.
Another excuse for lock downs and curtailment of free moment.
I thought ‘sloth pox’ was the new Big Bad…?
“Mpox (previously known as monkeypox)”
Correct me if I’m remembering wrong, but did they not change it to Mpox because the monkey reference was racsit to gay black men. Or something?
I remember when “they” tried to frighten us with AIDS. Extrapolating from a very small sample “they” concluded that at the current rate of spread pretty much everybody would get it. Then “they” also told us that you catch it the same way you catch hepatitis B but it was less infectious.
Operation Fear is alive and well and infecting somebody near you. Be careful out there.
Fancy having the kind of job where the full time work is basically thinking up reasons why you are still needed. Such people must have been very relieved that our government wasn’t remotely interested in saving money after the lockdown revealed very clearly that life went on perfectly well while government employed folks Sat at home not doing their jobs at all.