
Remoaner Femi.

As a leading national treasure announces that he [Stephen Fry] has taken Austrian citizenship, Femi Oluwole says it exposes a great irony – that Brexit was meant to be about freedom, yet without EU citizenship, we are trapped

Not only is this bollocks, it contradicts itself, but Femi and the headline writers at the Indy are too stupid to see it. Mr Fry has the freedom to move to Austria and has taken it. No one has stopped him, nor are they planning to try, so yes, he has all the freedom he needs. No one is trapped.

Bye. Don’t let the door hit you on the arse on the way out.


  1. I once remember reading a dictionary definition of the word idiot. A person of such mental deficiency as to be incapable of rational thought. A man who has been trapped on the UK because of Brexit has left and moved to Austria? Yes this guy is the dictionary definition of an idiot.

    Is this some kind of strange extention of project fear? Non of the dire predictions put out by the remainers actually came true but, in their minds they are still real. Hence the belief that moving to a different country is impossible because project fear predicted that it would be. This belief being maintained even when describing someone who just did.

  2. We are trapped.
    We should Ask the North Koreans how it feels to have all the lovely freedom to leave… Oh.

    Meanwhile, anyone who really wants to leave can get out quite easily.

    • Addendum
      Stephen Fry is one of the biggest bell-ends going. The worst kind who thinks he’s smart and because he’s smart, he must always be right.

  3. I read earlier in some fearmongering post somewhere that the EU are going to start enforcing cross-channel hindrance to meet some post-Brexit regulation or another. Steven had better get a move on if the van carrying his kit isn’t to be held up . . .
    One “reason” behind it was quoted as “increased security”. Is that the increased security the globalist Liebour party is overseeing on the Channel?

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