
Of course, this is terrible and it is our fault.

A baby has died in the Channel after a boat carrying migrants ran into difficulties, French authorities have said.

A total of 65 people were rescued after the boat, which was headed towards the UK, capsized in the water off the coast of Wissant in the Pas-de-Calais region.

French search and rescue teams deployed four ships and a helicopter to aid the operation on Thursday evening. When they arrived at the boat, they found it was heavily loaded and that some people were already in the water.

Okay, so who decided to leave a safe country to get here? Who paid the smugglers a substantial sum of money for a ride on an overloaded dinghy unsuitable for the task?

Not us, that’s for sure. This death is the responsibility of the parents and no one else. They chose to take an infant on a dangerous crossing, so they bear all of the blame. Anyone looking for sympathy here will not be on fertile ground. As far as I am concerned, this was an invasion vessel that didn’t make it. My sympathy has long gone.

This latest tragedy brings the number of deaths in the Channel this year up to at least 52.


He added: “We are heartbroken that a baby has died in yet another devastating and depressingly preventable tragedy in the Channel. People who make the crossing are fleeing war, conflict and persecution and simply want to be safe.

The vast majority are nothing of the sort. Sure, some Afghans running from the Taliban, but mostly sub Saharan men who are looking for an easy life at our expense. For those fleeing war, there is a legal means of entry. If they choose not to use it, then too bad as actions have consequences.

“This procession of death and tragedy shows we need to rethink our approach. Lives will continue to be lost if we carry on as it is.”

Sure. The Aussies showed how it should be done thirty years ago.


  1. It was indeed a depressingly preventable tragedy. All that was necessary was to instigate a robust deportation policy years ago and enforce it without exception for such “migrants” because anyone using this method to get into the country is an illegal.

    I too am wearing my “don’t give a shit” hat.

  2. “People who make the crossing are fleeing war, conflict and persecution and simply want to be safe.”
    They’ve fled war, conflict and persecution, found a safe country, then abandoned the safe country to risk their lives again.

  3. Undoubtedly the parents are to blame.

    Blame also lies with all those open borders advocates whose attitudes positively encourage people in safe countries to make dangerous crossings like this. Blood is on their hands.

    One day the politicians, judges, solicitors, charity workers, civil servants and members of the public who actively spur on such potentially fatal behaviour may have to pay.

    Don’t like to see anybody die unnecessarily, but Darwin roolz

  4. We do not want any more immigrants of any persuasion but certain not Africans and definitely not any more Muslims. In my town they are putting African immigrant families of 8 people and more in houses on private housing estates. Some of these houses rent for £1400 a month. Needless to say people are getting very very upset. Things are getting much worse under Labour.

  5. I don’t understand why these people pay thousands to people smugglers to come across the channel.
    I get women with kids doing it, but most are fighting age men.
    The channel isn’t that wide and you can buy a kayak for £73 on Amazon.
    A two man one is £75.
    Grab a mate, call it £40 a head to bring a sandwich and some water and paddle for a day.
    Much better than an overcrowded speedboat for thousands.

    Why aren’t they doing this?
    Maybe they’re just lazy and thick as pig shit.

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