1. Once swapping organs is as easy and safe as swapping out an engine in a car, then I predict that the Death penalty will be brought back PDQ. If you think that they won’t, do you honestly believe that Hitler, Stalin or Mao wouldn’t have prolonged their lives by using that technology?

    Robert Silverberg wrote a short story called Caught in the Organ Draft about such a scenario. Available for free here:


    Like our host, I refused to carry an organ donor card and specifically stated that I did not want to be essentially cannibalised like a car in a scrapyard.

  2. Presumed consent was my trigger to stop carrying a donor card and register that l do not consent.
    Prior to that I regarded it as a civic duty and carried a card from the early days of the scheme but………
    This is not (yet) a communist country, the government doesn’t get to ‘presume’ anything about my body so yes, fuck ’em

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