Not Such A Buerk


Michael Buerk has faced a backlash after he described the late Liam Payne as a ‘drugged-up, faded, boy band singer’.

Lessee now, he was apparently as high as a kite when he died. No one had heard much of him since his artifically made up boy band had largely faded into obscurity. He was, frankly, washed up having had his fifteen minutes. He was, objectively, a drugged up, faded boy band singer. So what’s the problem here?

But Buerk, 78, a former newsreader and Moral Maze presenter, took exception to the BBC‘s coverage of the tragic death.

Asked on the Radio 4’s Today programme about how foreign journalism had changed, he said: ‘There was more of an appetite for seriousness. It was only last week this programme decided that the most important thing that had happened in the world was that a drugged up, faded, boy band singer had fallen off a balcony.

‘Even the 10 O’clock News, which is normally good on these things, thought it was the second most important thing that happened in the world.’

The insensitive comments faced criticism from listeners .

Buerk is correct here. It wasn’t just the BBC either. There were reams and reams of tittle tattle and crocodile tears over the death of this nonentity across all the media outlets. There were more important things to be reporting on. Payne was worth a by-line, if that, but no, we got wall to wall Dianaesque weeping, wailing and gnashing of teeth. Fer Fuck’s sake! Beurk is a voice of sanity amongst the hysteria and if that’s insensitive, we need to see a damned sight more insensitivity around here.

Payne rose to fame as a member of One Direction, one of the most popular boy bands in history.

Um… Beatles anyone? Rolling Stones? I could go on.

The final days of the One Direction star will be explored in a Hulu documentary which will air later today.

That will be about five minutes, then, if that?

Tributes have flooded in for the late singer and vigils have been held across the world…

Fuck me! Another fucking virtue-signalling vigil. FFS!

Earlier this week, Argentine police and prosecutors investigating the tragedy said they were treating the star’s death as ‘inconclusive’.

Seems pretty conclusive to me – another useless drug addled has been fell or jumped to his death. Move along, nothing to see here. Pop stars often over do it and die young. This is not new, nor is it news.

Meanwhile, more than 65,000 people have signed a petition calling for new legislation, known as ‘Liam’s Law,’ to protect the mental health of artists in the music industry following the death of Liam Payne.

Oh, for fuck’s fucking, fuckitty fuck’s sake! Just what we need. More government interference in stuff where it has no business. Fuck off, all of you. No, I won’t be signing your stupid petition.


  1. “Drugged up”

    He should have added some Red Bull to the mix – it claims to “Give You Wings”.

    I’ll get my coat…

  2. Mr Osbourne, (Ossie) and Mr MacGowan (Shane), under the powers given to us courtesy of “Liam’s Law” we are taking you into protective custody.
    Postscript. Unfortunately due to an administrative error it seems that Mr MacGowan has evaded “Liam’s Law” because of a technicality.
    He appears to be deceased.
    A petition will be set up so that the law can not be circumvented, in future, by such a technicality.

  3. Payne, apparently, was only 16 when he joined what would become One Direction. He was introduced to fame, money, and power, before he could vote, buy cigarettes, or a pint in a pub. He was a child.
    A child, surrounded by parasitical managers, staff members, and hangers on, all intention making money from him, and who continually told him that he was the best, and anything he said, went.
    It’s only natural that this power would go to the head of an impressionable child and, despite him having sex with a shed load of other 5 minute wonders, and groupies, his life must really have been shit, not knowing the difference between reality and the artificial life he was given, possibly using drugs and alcohol to either blue the lines or try and discover the difference.
    I don’t think many people have come out of this well.

  4. And there’s more.
    Every genius rock, soul, blues, and all other category, star has been a complete bampot. The NHS and Social Services could not find enough minders to monitor them all, especially if said nutter leaves UK, although there would be ample groupies would do it for the concomitant benifits only.
    Why not have a law dedicated to ensuring that Van Gogh’s auricular misfortune never happens again?
    Banksy should be provided with a team of scaffolders.The

    • My wife, who is Scottish, introduced me to the fine word ‘bampot’. I doubted your generalisation at first but in the end could think of only one clear exception. Against the odds, and dealing mostly with bampots, Mick Jagger has kept the show on the road for half a century

  5. Maybe the trigger was 2TK refusing free tickets to one of his concerts – oh what a loss of face that would be.
    At least he’ll have the compensation of Kier taking a photo op lighting candles at one of the vigils

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