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Jolly Good

March 26, 2011 Longrider 3

A prodnose survey may bite the dust. Health experts have hit out after learning that a funding cut could mean the end of a key […]

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The Drone Wars

March 26, 2011 Longrider 11

The Wasp shares a disturbing anecdote. The WH Smith outlet at Manchester airport is now asking to see passengers’ boarding passes when they pay for their […]

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ACPO -GeneWatch Responds

March 24, 2011 Longrider 9

Further to ACPO’s egregious anti liberty nonsense yesterday, Gene watch skewers their claims. GeneWatch disputes the police figures, which are exaggerated because they are based […]

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Another War

March 23, 2011 Longrider 5

The Quiet Man makes a similar point to the one I made a week or so ago regarding intervention in Libya. My objection is and […]

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Apple Go Off On One

March 23, 2011 Longrider 6

I don’t doubt that Apple make nice things. Not that I’ve felt inclined to buy any as they don’t make what I want, but that’s […]

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Weapons Grade Bell End

March 22, 2011 Longrider 1

The Quiet man comments on the controversy surrounding a cartoon by the Guardian’s consistently awful Steve Bell. The QM’s stance on free speech is one I agree […]

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A Battle of Wills

March 20, 2011 Longrider 14

Nefertiti is an intelligent cat. Too intelligent sometimes. She has always been inclined to play with items left on surfaces such as chests of drawers […]