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Charitable Theft

January 1, 2011 Longrider 7

Not content with sucking at the teat of the over generous taxpayer, charities want more. Charities are calling for a new tax on bankers’ bonuses […]

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Happy New Year

January 1, 2011 Longrider 8

And so we say goodbye to 2010. For me, that is good riddance. It has, without doubt, been the worst year of my life. As […]

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My Blogspace

December 31, 2010 Longrider 1

My blogspace? Any suitable surface and a laptop. That’s it most of the time… If I use the desktop (as now) it’s that, a set […]

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Empathic Satnavs

December 30, 2010 Longrider 7

Both JuliaM and Man Widdicombe have picked up on this one. Prof Peter Robinson, head of emotional robotics at Cambridge University, is working on devising […]