Meh +1

The Grim Reaper opines on AV. it is now being discussed in the mainstream with greater emphasis as the vote draws near. There was a time when I was in favour of proportional representation, but even then had qualms about the outcomes and the disconnect between the constituency and the representative –  as if it isn’t bad enough already. These days, I’m inclined to stick with the FPTP in preference to PR. AV, though, is not PR.

I really cannot say how I will vote in the referendum. Or even if I can be bothered to vote in the referendum. As the Grim reaper says; “meh”. I suspect that I am not alone. You see, it doesn’t matter how they are elected, nor for that matter who is elected –  they are all as bad as each other. The government still gets in at each election and the political class will still have its nose firmly in the trough.


  1. AV has got to be by far the most boring issue in politics today. If this is what gets Liberal Democrats excited, then I don’t think even God would be able to help them.

  2. I can honestly say I will not be voting in the referendum as I am not on the electoral roll. Furthermore my census form is already lost in the post, who’d have thought it?

    Begging the tyrant to change is a forlorn hope. The political tyrant has many faces and three colours but is still the same tyrant.
    Ignoring them and refusing to take part in their theatre is much more fun. Might not change much as too many living on my British Isles are shit scared of government but I’ll settle for fun in whatever years I have left unless there is an awakening Egyptian style.

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