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Abbott For Leader

July 18, 2010 Longrider 6

Diane Abbott accuses her rivals of being geeky young men. Mrs Abbott said her four opponents were either close to Tony Blair or Gordon Brown […]

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One Term President?

July 18, 2010 Longrider 5

During the media’s beatification of Barry Obama, I wondered whether, like the peanut farmer before him, his patina would vanish all too rapidly and we would […]

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The Uncivil Service

July 18, 2010 Longrider 1

Andrew Gilligan opines on the recent problems encountered by Michael Gove. In a Commons appearance of 28 minutes, Mr Gove used the word “apologise”, or […]

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Excuses, Excuses…

July 16, 2010 Longrider 8

So Siobhan O’Dowd decided to take down her Raoul Moat tribute page. Apparently, she regrets the whole thing. However, she still has a soft spot […]

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More on Godwin

July 15, 2010 Longrider 5

Dick Puddlecote opines on Godwin in relation to the recent Jon Gaunt case. Frankly, Godwin is a pain in the arse and I have made […]

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That Facebook Page

July 15, 2010 Longrider 6

Facebook has decided to defy Cameron (ooer!) and keep the tribute page to Raoul Moat online. The Prime Minister had earlier condemned those who had […]

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Why Not, Indeed?

July 14, 2010 Longrider 8

A good reason not to send someone to gaol: Sentencing, Judge Newton told Voyce: “Frankly, you deserve to go to prison, but I can’t bring […]

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France and the Veil

July 14, 2010 Longrider 27

France is well on the way to imposing a ban on the veil; the niqab or the burqua. France’s lower house of parliament has overwhelmingly […]