
The useful idiots who signed up to the totalitarian ID cards scheme, thereby colluding with the previous administration’s attempts to tag, spy on and collate us all will not be compensated for the loss of their thirty pieces of silver.

Labour have failed in an eleventh-hour attempt to get compensation for people who bought ID cards as MPs approved legislation to scrap them.

Good. Quite right, too. They were weak-minded enough to sign up for this nasty scheme, let them take the hit for doing so.

Shadow ministers wanted people who own cards to be refunded, saying they had bought them in “good faith”.

There was no good faith. These people wanted them and couldn’t give a stuff about the rest of us being forced to fall into line with their choice. That these dolts were sufficiently lacking in self-determination that they need a government to manage their identity for them does not mean that the rest of us who can manage our identities should be forced into such a scheme. This is not good faith, it is totalitarianism and people who willingly go along with totalitarian schemes deserve all they get. Losing thirty quid is getting off lightly as far as I am concerned. Hopefully they will think twice in future – in which case, it’s thirty quid well spent.

However, they were defeated in the Commons on the issue as MPs passed a bill which will scrap the cards and the National Identity Register.

Good. Excellent. Good riddance.

Before the election, the Conservatives warned people thinking of applying for a card that they would not be able to use it under a future Tory administration.

And anyone who heard that warning and still went ahead deserves to lose their money. Although, of course, despite no lack of warnings, people still respond to those Nigerian email scams… A fool and his money and all that.

But Labour says those holding cards should get compensation as a matter of “justice”.

“There is basic fairness here,” shadow home affairs minister Meg Hillier told MPs, arguing that cardholders should get a £30 refund when they next renewed their passport.

Bollocks! These people were quite happy to have the rest of us forced onto the NIR in order to satisfy their inadequacy – was that fair? I don’t think so. Getting their just rewards is more than fair. New Labour; whining and sulking like a spoiled child that cannot get its way and its useful idiots who think that all of us should be bent to their will. You lost. Get over it. Those of you who are so deeply lacking that you need a card to tell you who you are, the citizen card will provide one for free in exchange for the worthless piece of plastic you now have.

Labour’s Denis MacShane, a cardholder himself, said his money was effectively being “confiscated” and said if someone’s house had been taken by the state, that would get recompense.

Oh grow the fuck up and get a sense of proportion. You chose to buy into this. Your choice. No one else’s.

But SNP MP Pete Wishart said it was “tough luck” on card owners as they had made an informed choice to buy one.

“We have to be absolutely and abundantly clear with this – ID cards are exclusively and solely a New Labour creation,” he said. “All other parties in this House made it absolutely clear that we would have nothing whatsoever to do with them.”



  1. That Meg hillier gets right on my tits. She just cant let go of her little project. Cry baby.
    It is tough luck to all those who bought a card and I am happy for them to lose their money. It serves them right for actively supporting people who want to remove our rights.
    I would even say they should now be forced to keep their cards. They should be made to show them in random places, pay to renew them every so often and be given huge fines for forgetting to update their details. All while we carry on without them.
    They wanted these things, they should be made to live with them. Simply losing thirty quid is to good for them.

  2. I share your deep seated hatred of the ID scheme and database but nevertheless do have a simgeon of sympathy for some people fooled by it.
    Consider: In these enlightened times nobody ‘looking’ under 25 can buy a beer or go in a town pub without an ID. My wife and almost 30 year old daughter were actually refused a meal in one local town pub because they had no ID with them!
    Nobody can open a bank or shop account or even bid at a property auction without providing an ID. Basically no ID and you are financially and socially a non-person.
    But proving ID in the UK requires a photo document and a utility bill with address, and not everyone has a passport or photo driving licence for the ubiquitous ‘photo’ requirement. Some people don’t even have any utility bills in their name because they rent or pay online or just got out of prison or live with their granny or whatever. How does such a person get to provide a utility bill for ID purposes?
    So although the ID scheme was evil, until the ludicrous and onerous proof of ID requirements around money transactions and alcohol are removed there will always be some people for whom a simple ID card has an attraction. After all it’s better than carrying around your passport, what else does a non-driver aged 24 wanting to buy a bottle of wine do?
    I suggest you turn your ire towards the requirements to produce an ID rather than direct it at those people who saw this scheme as a pragmatic solution to all the ID nonsense in modern society without looking deeper.
    So for a start, questions: Is it now legal to require a photo ID in a society where there is no requirement to get one? Is it legal to withold the sale of alcohol against an age limit different to the legal age minimum?

  3. All of these things were “problems” created for the “solution” to come along and fix. So, yeah, there are still hangovers and my ire is equally directed at these. But, if people need a photo ID they can get one from Citizen card.

    Given that, I’ve no sympathy for the people taken in by Labour’s lies. I had enough conversations with them – and had the old “nothing to hide nothing to fear” mantra spat back at me to have eradicated any sympathy, frankly.

  4. @ Woodsy42. What Longrider just said, plus: There are suitable types of ID out there for all applications, such as the aforementioned citizen card. None of them come with the costs, fines, loss of liberty, and web of lies and deciet that you get with the national ID card. Also, they dont require your life on a database that numerous “authorised” people can access.

    In certain situations where establishing your identity is important, you may currently be asked for a number of things, including utility bills. It may be a pain but it is secure where security is really needed. Replacing all that with one peice of plastic that is supposedly indesputable, makes your ID less secure. One stolen or forged card can prove without a doubt that you are whoever it says on the card, with no need for double checks.

  5. I have asked the cleggeron coagulation to refund the £12 I spent on a No2ID T shirt on the grounds that I have saved the country billions by campaigning against ID cards. I don’t suppose I’ll get the refund and at the end of the day I still have the T shirt and it still works.

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