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Aim High

April 14, 2010 Longrider 7

This one made me smile… Davison, 19, a former milkman’s assistant, is accused of being one of the founders of the Aryan Strike Force, an […]

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The Things People Say

April 12, 2010 Longrider 8

Justin at Chicken Yogurt has been similarly disenchanted by the electioneering as the rest of us, but I can’t let this one pass. Just spotted an […]

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Well, We Did Ask…

April 12, 2010 Longrider 0

Yesterday, we posed the question, just how low will Labour sink when it comes to electioneering? Data mining is just too tempting for them to […]

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How Low?

April 11, 2010 Longrider 2

Dick Puddlecote asks how low can Labour go in their grubby attempts to scare votes out of cancer patients. I think we ain’t seen nothing […]

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Yeah, Right…

April 10, 2010 Longrider 2

I see via Timmy and DK that Michael Bywater is commenting in the Independent about blogging and the folk who do it. That guy. The […]

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Burn the Witch

April 10, 2010 Longrider 5

Humanity has the capacity for boundless good. It also has a dark heart with an equal measure of evil. In previous centuries, minorities were used […]

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Softly, Softly…

April 8, 2010 Longrider 5

Once more iDave raises the spectre of enforced servitude among the young. Oh, sure it sounds all cuddly at first glance: The Oscar-winning actor Sir […]

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And So It Starts…

April 6, 2010 Longrider 7

So finally an election date has been announced. I’ll admit to a little mild surprise here as I fully expected Bottler Brown to find enough wriggle […]