One Term President?

During the media’s beatification of Barry Obama, I wondered whether, like the peanut farmer before him, his patina would vanish all too rapidly and we would see him ejected by a disillusioned electorate after one dismal term at the helm. His electoral success was, I suspect in part, due to a lack of credible opposition combined with two successive Republican terms as much as by the colour of his skin. Ether way, his leftist politics didn’t strike me as something the US public would put up with for too long. Whatever the reason, he was sure to disappoint – not least because the pompous, self-righteous leftists positively tripped over themselves to be seen to kiss his arse. And don’t forget Obama beach (as if we could).

Looks like I may have been right.

In the face of withering Republican attacks – which has seen them promising to repeal almost everything Obama has done – the Democrats are facing sinking polls and staring disaster in the face in mid-term congressional elections in November There is little talk of celebrating Obama’s achievements and cementing his authority. Instead, it has become a grim battle for survival, with experts predicting a swath of Republican gains that will give them control of the House of Representatives and could even see them win back the Senate.

Poll after poll has contained unwanted news for Obama and the Democrats. A Fox poll showed that 41% of voters intended to use their vote to express opposition to Obama, compared to 33% who wanted to express support. A recent CBS poll had Obama’s approval rating at an all-time low of 44%. A Rasmussen poll showed Republicans enjoying a six-point lead over the Democrats.

I don’t, as a general rule, follow US politics, but I might be making an exception here. This bun-fight has all the hallmarks of some right royal entertainment written all over it.


  1. The thing to watch is the movement to unseat establishment incumbents. Get a number of Ron Paul-type conservatives into power and there might be a real change. The Tea Party movement, if it can shake off the establishment take-over through Palin and such like, could make a real impact.

  2. Palin is a liability for the The Tea Partyers, frankly. Interestingly, yesterday I saw a bumper sticker saying Ron Paul for President 2012 – in Somerset of all places.

    In the meantime, I might get some popcorn in.

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