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Obnoxio on Motoring

August 28, 2009 Longrider 25

Obnoxio digs out a couple of rants from his archives for our delectation. The first is a general peeve about people who drive Renault Scenics. […]

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File Sharing TV Programmes

August 28, 2009 Longrider 4

Apparently people are using file sharing to illegally download their favourite TV programmes. Yes, really… Millions of television viewers are now using illegal file-sharing services […]

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More Blog Spam

August 26, 2009 Longrider 2

Following on from the spammy email I received the other week, I have been approached again – although this time the company concerned appears legitimate, […]

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Po-Faced Piffle

August 25, 2009 Longrider 1

Via Johnb, this wonderfully hilarious piece of po-faced piffle from Peter Jones, demonstrating once again that Guardian writers are, without doubt, a bunch of weapons […]

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Scottish Boycott

August 25, 2009 Longrider 4

I suppose that it was inevitable that there would be calls for a boycott of Scottish goods and services – much like the pathetic French […]