Scottish Boycott

I suppose that it was inevitable that there would be calls for a boycott of Scottish goods and services – much like the pathetic French Fries wankery a few years ago, following the Scottish government’s decision to release Abdelbaset Ali al-Megrahi.

The government of Scotland has decided to release convicted Lockerbie terrorist bomber Abdel Baset al-Megrahi on “compassionate grounds.”

Scottish (and English) law allows for this. Foreign countries have a habit of doing things differently. Get used to it and grow the fuck up.

The government of the United Kingdom has washed its hands of the entire affair, allowing the Scottish government total freedom in taking this perfidious action against the families of the victims of Pan Am Flight 103.

Because Scotland is a devolved administration and has autonomy in this area you ignorant fuckwits. Oh, and before you invoke “the families” just bear in mind that not all of those families agree with you.

Now, there are things that the US administration has done in the past few years of which I strongly disapprove. Invading other people’s countries being one, strutting about the world stage lecturing others how to run their affairs being another. However, I do not refuse to buy products from the USA as a consequence – indeed, I’ll still be buying my new pair of boots from them. This is because, being an adult, I am aware that the producers of goods and services are not the same people strutting about the world stage waving their dicks in the air. Also, those producers of goods and services (and the people who work for them) have little if any direct influence over the behaviour of said dick wavers.

And, anyone who thinks that collective punishment is in some way an acceptable practice is a moron. So, yes, the boycotters are indeed sending a message to Scotland. That message being; “We are a bunch of ignorant, immature cretins who probably don’t know where (or what) the UK is, let alone understand the nuances of devolved government and a legal system that predates the Pilgrim Fathers.”


  1. Americans boycotting Scotland over an Oil based hostage deal? I’d say the Scots won that deal…

  2. As an American with close family ties to England (my mother just got her American citizenship after 46 years here),I find this whole boycott ridiculous. First, I find the trial to have been so ham handed as to make the end result highly questionable and second, the Scottish government isn’t that devolved that this can’t be laid at the feet of Gordon Brown, making this a proxy boycott against a weaker target. Thirdly, Obama failed to consult Brown when he decided to send 4 Gitmo detainees to Bermuda. I didn’t see English calls for a boycott of American goods.

  3. the Scottish government isn’t that devolved that this can’t be laid at the feet of Gordon Brown

    Eh? Yes it is: the Scottish executive has sole discretion on early release from Scottish jails.

    The UK executive has no power at all in this area (the UK legislature could, in theory, repeal the Scottish devolution acts to transfer the decision back to the UK executive, but this might be seen as overkill).
    .-= My last blog ..Very simples indeed =-.

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