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Another Pinch of Salt

January 27, 2010 Longrider 5

Via Samizdata, I see that the puritans are at it again. Once more, salt is in the firing line. The European Society of Cardiology (ESC) welcomes […]

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December 5, 2009 Longrider 6

Simon Davies rails against automated marketing calls. Like millions of people across Britain, I now refuse to answer my home landline number, and with good […]

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Orange iPhone

September 28, 2009 Longrider 0

Apparently Orange are to enter the iPhone market and end O2’s monopoly. That’s a good thing. Orange has reached an agreement to sell Apple’s popular […]

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File Sharing TV Programmes

August 28, 2009 Longrider 4

Apparently people are using file sharing to illegally download their favourite TV programmes. Yes, really… Millions of television viewers are now using illegal file-sharing services […]

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Scottish Boycott

August 25, 2009 Longrider 4

I suppose that it was inevitable that there would be calls for a boycott of Scottish goods and services – much like the pathetic French […]

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The French Say “Non”

April 29, 2009 Longrider 3

The French tend to have something of a reputation when it comes to saying “no”. Sometimes they are wrong-headed in so doing, which is why, generally, […]

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Taxing Savers

January 8, 2009 Longrider 2

From today’s Times. The question, of course, is what to do about the recession. Specifically whether the way out is “to spend, spend, spend or […]