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Home Energy Survey

May 20, 2008 13

It seems to me that South Gloucestershire Council doesn’t take much notice of its correspondence. If it did, then they would not have sent a […]

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Stupid, Stupid, Stupid…

May 4, 2008 9

Seumas Milne in comment is free: But it’s also clear that the kind of progressive coalition and policies that Livingstone favoured – on transport, housing, […]

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March 16, 2008 8

The police – despite being told to fuck off on a fairly regular basis, despite being told that a DNA database of the population will […]

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Control Freakery Writ (Le) Grand

February 15, 2008 7

Via the Devil’s Kitchen, I am reminded – rather unfortunately – of the arrant bastard that is Julian Le Grand. This obnoxious control freak thinks […]

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Drink Problem?

February 3, 2008 15

Ruth Sunderland doesn’t drink and she finds it a problem: My name is Ruth and I have a drink problem; the problem is that I […]

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The Cardinal and Elizabeth I

November 3, 2007 1

The Church is getting its knickers in a knot over the latest Elizabeth film: A Vatican-backed historian has attacked the film Elizabeth: The Golden Age […]

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Sarah Kennedy Ticked Off

November 1, 2007 6

I didn’t hear Sarah Kennedy’s supposed gaffe although if I’m up and about I will listen in to her inane ramblings as inane ramblings are about […]

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Trick or Treat – Again

October 31, 2007 6

This time of the year is perhaps the most miserable for me. It starts with Halloween and the obnoxious trick or treating that is about to […]