Stupid, Stupid, Stupid…

Seumas Milne in comment is free:

But it’s also clear that the kind of progressive coalition and policies that Livingstone favoured – on transport, housing, privatisation and redistribution – are a good deal more popular with voters than the rudderless triangulation currently on offer from Gordon Brown.

Having been trounced because they steal from those who earn and give it to those who don’t, or piss it up the wall on special interest minorities and quangos, because they snoop and pry into our private lives, bully and fine us for petty misdemeanours – because, frankly, they are poisonous bastards, the way back is…

…more of the fucking same?!?

Fuck me, but they are thick.

I notice, too, that Milne is trying the same misanthropic and patronising tack displayed so admirably by Neil Harding and blaming the press. No, you thick fuck, people are not so stupid as to vote on the basis of a headline – they voted the way they did because the Labour party has treated them like shit.

Jesus, but the so called progressive left in this country is a monster to behold. They didn’t get it wrong – the voters, blinded by the evil press barons got it wrong. Listen, chaps; you got it wrong. The voters rejected your candidates. Some genuine introspection – should you be sufficiently intellectually honest  – will provide you with an answer. Don’t blame the press, don’t blame the electorate, don’t blame “posh” people. Blame yourselves, for there is no one else.


  1. Hey Longrider don’t hang back say what you really feel.
    Don’t you just love it when the mongs prove they are real mongs through and through?

  2. Introspection? That’s a big word. Couldn’t you have dumbed it down about LR? The comrades aren’t especially bright at the best of times (and now is definately not the best of times for them)… 🙂

    Mac the Knifes last blog post..Further to my last…

  3. Quite apart from quietly enjoying their discomfiture, this week has shown them in their true colours. Defeat has had them drop their guard and display the nasty, bigoted underbelly. Neil Harding, for example blames “posh” people from the suburbs for voting Conservative contributing to their loss. Yes? And? So? That is how democracy works. The majority get their choice of candidate. This is not – as he claims – a bad day for democracy, it is merely a bad day for a corrupt and morally bankrupt party that the electorate has finally seen through.

    The sheer contempt for the electorate is another nasty side to these people – and, replace “posh” with homosexual, Muslim, Jew or black and the bigotry is plain to see. These are not nice people and finally the world can see them for what they are.

    This week was a good one for democracy and freedom in the UK.

  4. When is a bigot not a bigot? When he / she irrationally hates the USA, Jews, people in another (Harder working, better off) socio-economic category who don’t vote the way the bigot does?

    Nope. They’re still a bigot. The only qualification necessary to qualify for the tag is unthinking, irrational intolerance of others.

    Mister Joness last blog post..Christopher Booker is in trouble….

  5. Longrider- Here are a couple of comments on my site that answer your point. –

    In particular this bit from Paul – “You appear simply not to be able to get to grip with Neil’s argument that there might, just might, be an imbalance of resources and power in the press, and this might, just might, be bad for the democracy that you hold so highly”.

    Longrider, You seem to be trying to suggest that media opinion is unimportant – a £1 trillion advertising industry suggests you are the idiot not me.

    Neil Hardings last blog post..Still Gutted About Ken.

  6. Neil, you merely confirm my point; you hold the electorate in contempt. The media did not lose the elections for Labour. Labour did, all by themselves.

    If you think the Evening Standard’s campaign was poisonous (and I agree, it was) then you should equally condemn the nasty, poisonous campaign run by the Guardian, shouldn’t you? Was it significant either way? I very much doubt it. Recognising that people vote the way they want to, rather than the way newspapers headlines tells them to, does not make me an idiot – and you are one for suggesting that I am.

    Ultimately, people voted the way they did out of self-interest. The suburbs felt that the Livingstone administration failed to represent their interests and turned out in force to register that point. That, my friend, is how democracy works.

  7. Well it remains to be seen whether the Tories are any better than Labour on the only really important issue, civil liberties. John Major’s government were cunts on civil liberties – it tried to push ID Cards down out throats. Will Cameron’s Tories be any better? I’d like to think so but since they supported the ‘extreme porn’ proposals, I suspect that they are as regressive as Labour when it comes to the important questions.

  8. Well it remains to be seen whether the Tories are any better than Labour on the only really important issue, civil liberties.

    Indeed. We can only wait and see on that one.

    John Major’s government were cunts on civil liberties – it tried to push ID Cards down out throats.

    Well, yes and no… it was a similar story to Blunkett’s obsession a decade later. Michael Howard wanted it but the cabinet was luke warm. They were pretty quick to drop the idea. That, frankly, is the significant difference – Labour have clung onto the scheme despite opposition and despite clear evidence that it is a bad idea.

    Will Cameron stick to his promise? He is a politician, so I will only be sure about that when it happens.

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