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Dolan Cummings Talks Arse

October 26, 2007 7

Dolan Cummings repeats the tired mantra of the religious nut-cases in the Times today: The desire to belong has made atheism into its own religion. […]

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Life After Death

October 18, 2007 4

Earlier this week, I noticed Rowan Williams spouting guff. Now, I’d expect religious leaders to try to convince us that their myths and legends are […]

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Nanny Will Look After Us

October 17, 2007 6

The nanny state is writ large in the latest pronouncement about obesity: Individuals can no longer be held responsible for obesity and government must act […]

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Tax and Marriage

October 13, 2007 6

Andy Burnham, the slimy little creep that tried so desperately to convince us that identity cards are a spiffing thing, has opened his mouth again: […]

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Lies, Libel and Neil Harding

September 10, 2007 12

Neil Harding is perpetuating his libellous allegation that I support illegal activity. This is a fundamental disagreement. He cannot understand why I place him on the […]

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Firefox is Not Stealing

August 19, 2007 5

Via qwghlm, a rich piece of effrontery: Software that blocks all advertisement is an infringement of the rights of web site owners and developers. Numerous […]

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Hard of Thinking

August 17, 2007 4

I see that Neil is up to his usual totalitarian fuckwittery. I don’t think the drinking age of 18 for pubs should be affected, I […]