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Bikes, Bikes, Bikes

March 11, 2007 0

Lots of bikes out on the road this morning. A warm sunny day, spring in the air and they all come out to play. So […]

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Terry Watch

March 4, 2007 3

While I find Terry Watch mildly amusing for much the same reason that I find Kelly’s blog – or, more to the point the feeding frenzy that […]

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Scam Saturday

March 4, 2007 1

Sometimes you can go for months at a time and not come across a juicy scam, then two turn up at once. Yesterday evening, my […]

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Two Quotes

February 27, 2007 5

Have you got anywhere with McDonald’s, have you tried getting it banned? That’s the key. Prince Charles. Better to remain silent and be thought a […]

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School Sport

February 26, 2007 15

The BBC was wittering about sport in schools this morning. A comment made during the discussion was that of quantity and quality. There is an assumption […]

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There Are Times…

February 23, 2007 0

There are times – ever more frequently of late – when I despair of my fellow man. A dispute over the playing of the British […]