Reid ‘open’ to confiscating drivers’ phones | Uk News | News | Telegraph

John Reid is in favour of ever more strict sanctions for those motorists convicted of using hand held mobile phones while driving, having been lobbied by the police. Well, if the police want it they must get it, mustn’t they?

The Government could back the confiscation of mobile phones from drivers who are caught using them on the road, it emerged yesterday.

John Reid could back the confiscation of mobile phones from drivers who are caught using them on the road
John Reid is open to the idea of stricter punishments

John Reid, the Home Secretary, said he was “open” to the idea as stricter punishments for using handsets at the wheel came into force.

And this will achieve what, exactly? Police could have used the offence of driving without due care and attention, but didn’t. They have now had micro legislation in place for just this offence, yet despite a majority of people apparently being in favour, people still use hand held phones while driving. So what will taking their phones away achieve? They will go out and get another one and in all probability test it out while driving home.

Or am I just being cynical here?

Anyway, even Reid can work out this relatively simple conclusion for himself…

“[I’m] always open to suggestion that the phone should be confiscated, although given their widespread availability and relatively cheap cost this may not be a deterrent,” he said.

Quite. So why not just say so and go back to using the driving without due care and attention approach?


  1. Reid’s got this one completely round his earholes.

    The problem is people driving whilst using hand-held mobile phones.

    Surely the logical solution is to confiscate their vehicles? Then they can continue to use their phones safely.

  2. A better approach would be to make it compulsory for manufacturers to fit mobile phone kits in new cars (like it is for brakes, seat belts, speedometers, etc).

    Best regards

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