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Britain, Russia and Liberty

February 10, 2007 2

Via Peter Hitchens, this from a Russian journalist writing about modern Britain: “Under its corrupt government, which is widely believed to sell seats in the […]

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Make Liberty History

February 9, 2007 0

Today’s Telegraph carries a story about plans by the government to clamp down on our liberties even further using the unnecessary, overpriced, over rated, corrupt […]

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Councillor Terry

February 2, 2007 3

Via Doctor Vee, Will P and Clairwil, not to mention Right for Scotland and Freedom and Whisky, I bring you Councillor Terry Kelly. I have […]

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Honours claims ‘damaging trust’

February 2, 2007 1

According to senior Labour politicians, Yates of the Yard’s investigation is damaging to the trust we accord the chaps and chappesses in Westminster. The investigation […]

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Rowan Williams on Prisons

February 1, 2007 2

Dr Rowan Williams makes some pointed remarks about prisons today: The Archbishop of Canterbury has criticised Britain’s “obsession” with prisons, at the same time as […]

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Cameron on Britishness

January 28, 2007 4

Just to demonstrate that Blair’s Labour party does not have the monopoly on arrogance, conceit and self-serving egotism, we get David Cameron daring to lecture […]

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Quality Reporting?

January 27, 2007 2

Once more I find myself castigating the BBC for the quality of its reporting. This morning the story was that of the woes beleaguering the […]

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Yates and Downing Street

January 21, 2007 0

Today’s Observer carries the story of yesterday’s arrest of Ruth Turner. Downing street was plunged into a full-scale war with the police yesterday after senior […]