Honours claims ‘damaging trust’

According to senior Labour politicians, Yates of the Yard’s investigation is damaging to the trust we accord the chaps and chappesses in Westminster.

The investigation into cash-for-honours allegations is damaging politics, senior Labour figures have admitted.

Party chairman Hazel Blears said it was causing a “corrosive cynicism” and constitutional affairs minister Harriet Harman said it was “eroding trust”.

Excuse me? Yates’ investigation isn’t damaging anything. The trust was damaged by the politicians in whom it was entrusted. They betrayed that trust, they thought they could line the party’s pockets by flogging ermine and coronets and now, thankfully, that is about to bite them good and hard on the bum.

Ms Blears told BBC News she feared the police inquiry was overshadowing the government’s domestic agenda.

And who’s fault is that? Not Yates’. It is theirs and theirs alone. I have no sympathy for these people. I despise them utterly and completely. They have broken the law – they have failed to show respect and that lack of respect is now visited upon them.

Blears rabbits on…

“Inevitably when you have this kind of thing going on for months and months it does have a corrosive effect.”

 After ten years of NULAB bullshit, erosion of the rule of law, demands for further reduction in our liberties, being treated like naughty school children and demands to own us body and soul, we’ve started to notice…

1 Comment

  1. When the inquiry started I assumed it was just going to be another Hutton style whitewash. It’s not looking that way now.

    These are the people who are keen on the idea that suspicion == guilt. I’ve got no sympathy at all. It won’t be the first time Blair’s stayed somewhere without paying for the accommodation …

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