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That Accursed West Lothian Question

January 14, 2007 11

Peter Whale commenting yesterday on the fingerprinting post attempted to derail me with the West Lothian question. Given that Gordon Brown is currently talking about […]

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Council Tax

January 7, 2007 1

ZANU Labour’s stealth taxes continue apace. Although why we call them stealth taxes, I really don’t know. There’s not much that is stealthy about their […]

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Unlikely Alliance

December 31, 2006 1

An alliance is being formed to campaign for a bill of rights. An unprecedented alliance, including the Conservative and Liberal Democrat parties, Charter 88, Justice, […]

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Cameron, the new Disraeli?

December 28, 2006 0

According to Andrew Tyrie, David Cameron is the new Benjamin Disraeli: In a pamphlet published tomorrow, Andrew Tyrie says there are signs that Mr Cameron […]

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EU Driving Licences

December 14, 2006 2

Ryan Newell comments over at UKIPhome about the impending EU driving licences: As mentioned earlier the new licences must be renewed every 10 to 15 years. […]

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December 10, 2006 3

I’ve never much liked politicians. This quote sums them up beautifully: Still, we Americans should be aware of the venality, the meanness, the duplicity, and […]

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Blogging Etiquette

December 10, 2006 34

I note a spat developing between the Devil’s Kitchen and Chad over at UKIP Home. Chad has decided that DK is a Tory stooge. If that’s […]

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Quote of the Day

December 3, 2006 0

It is the disconnect between what they do and the consequences for the people they do it to that makes most politicians psychologically closer to […]

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We Are The Problem

November 18, 2006 5

Via Mr E, the odious Blair government notes that the peasants citizens are revolting daring to speak their mind. Tony Blair’s outgoing chief strategy adviser fears […]