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A Silly Story, but…

June 16, 2006 3

Okay, I know it’s one of those silly season stories, but it illustrates keenly just what is wrong with our society. Muzak is the bane […]

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Interesting Parallels

May 30, 2006 2

The iniquitous NHS IT scheme, that plans to include an electronic database of patients’ medical records is hopelessly over budget and behind time: The government […]

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Passive Drinking

May 30, 2006 0

Via Mr Eugenidies and The Devil’s Kitchen, this little gem from our lords and masters – this time, the unelected buffoons in the EU: Dr […]

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Prescott Right For His Job

May 29, 2006 2

According to Hilary Benn, John Prescott is the right man for his job John Prescott is “getting on with the job” as deputy prime minister […]

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Time for the Wilderness

May 24, 2006 1

The Labour party spent eighteen years in the political wilderness. At the end of that time it appeared that they had learned some lessons from this; […]

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Jack Straw Fears…

May 17, 2006 0

Jack Straw is worried about MPs’ reputations. The reputation of MPs will be damaged if they do not have a stronger role in scrutinising proposed […]

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Margaret Hodge and the BNP

May 6, 2006 7

In the wake of the odious BNP’s election success this week, the knives are out for Margaret Hodge. Margaret Hodge, the Employment Minister, is facing […]