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Fair Point

February 5, 2016 Longrider 3

Jihadi Jack is suffering from mental illness according to his parents. The parents of Jack Letts, the young British man dubbed “Jihadi Jack” after travelling […]

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That’s the Way to do it.

January 28, 2016 Longrider 5

Tell the regressive retards where to stick their cultural sensitivities. A lunch between the French and Iranian presidents in Paris has been scrapped after the […]

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When in Rome

January 26, 2016 Longrider 7

Do as the Mullahs do… Italian hospitality for the visiting Iranian President Hassan Rouhani has stretched to covering up nude statues. Mr Rouhani and Italian […]

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Obvious or What?

January 22, 2016 Longrider 4

So, finally, the pollies are noticing. The French prime minister, Manuel Valls, has said in an interview that Europe cannot take in all the refugees […]

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January 16, 2016 Longrider 10

The Saudis seem to think we should respect their barbaric, primitive, incompetent, bloodthirsty justice system.  And I use justice in the loosest possible terms, here. […]

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Good News

January 6, 2016 Longrider 1

Sometimes we hear a good news  story.  The acquittal of Pastor McConnell is one. Evangelical Christian preacher Pastor James McConnell has been found not guilty […]

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Welby Done…

December 25, 2015 Longrider 14

So, Welby gets it. Christianity faces “elimination” in the Middle East, the region where it began, the Archbishop of Canterbury will warn in his Christmas […]

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Big Society?

December 17, 2015 Longrider 2

Heh! Johnny Heald, managing director of ORB International, said: “These results show that people in the UK are some of the least likely to offer […]