That’s the Way to do it.

Tell the regressive retards where to stick their cultural sensitivities.

A lunch between the French and Iranian presidents in Paris has been scrapped after the hosts refused to take wine off the menu.

Iran’s President Hassan Rouhani had been due to eat lunch with French President Francois Hollande in an upmarket restaurant as part of Mr Rohani’s tour of Europe – but negotiations broke down after the Iranians requested a halal, alcohol-free meal.

French officials insisted on serving traditional local food and wine and said making a meal “Iran friendly” went against their Republican values.

Absolutely fucking right. My gaff, my rules. Don’t like it? Fuck off and take your risible, murderous, barbaric seventh-century belief system with you. When in Iran, expect to do as the Iranians do or get arrested. When in France do as the French do – after all, no one was forcing Rouhani to partake of the wine. So, the French rediscovered the backbone they once had when they conquered much of Europe. Good for them. Vive la France!


  1. If only the Western World would start doing this kind of thing consistently and often then perhaps the Islamists would get the message. We should have started decades ago really but hey, better late than never.

    • We actually started centuries ago, the norm has been for western civilisation to be at war with the evil cult of Mohammed. It is only recently that we have started importing Muslim hordes and according the cult a totally undeserved respect.

      The current crisis seems to slowly be waking people up to the realisation that Islam really is the enemy of western, liberal, democratic values, but there is still a long way to go, an open debate on the true nature of the Islamic cult is still not possible without accusations of Islamophobia and possible legal action.

  2. The funny thing is Iran had a great wine industry when I lived there until the revolution. It was pretty good wine too, it was never a dry country until khomeni.

  3. “We actually started centuries ago, the norm has been for western civilisation to be at war with the evil cult of Mohammed. It is only recently that we have started importing Muslim hordes and according the cult a totally undeserved respect.”

    Actually that is an excellent point. It seems that the problem is that the West decided that everyone should be able to practice their religion freely without persecution. We came to this conclusion very slowly following a great deal of unpleasantness. Now we are confronted with a religion that is itself deeply unpleasant we are at a loss as to what to do.

    • Don’t see an issue. They can follow the false prophet as much as they like but we can and should clamp down hard when they break any laws.

      Muslims have been in the UK for a very long time. It is only now with the spineless scum we have in charge lately that there has been any issue.

      Islam is compatible with the UK. They question is do we want it to be?

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