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August 28, 2017 Longrider 5

So what happened to all that stuff about fostering children with people who share their cultural and ethnic backgrounds, then? A white Christian girl was reportedly […]

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Here We Go Again…

June 20, 2017 Longrider 9

Bullshit on steroids. Theresa May’s Downing Street declaration that the Finsbury Park terrorist attack was “every bit as sickening” as Manchester and London Bridge and description of […]

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June 5, 2017 Longrider 4

Richard Littlejohn. We are at war. I can’t really add anything to what he says here.

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May 26, 2017 Longrider 21

Utter, utter twat! British Government: Ban all religions in the UK Why this is important We owe it to our children to safeguard them from […]

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Good Grief!

April 13, 2017 Longrider 7

The offendatrons are out in force today… Tesco has apologised for any offence from a beer advertisement that claimed “Good Friday just got better”. The […]