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Storms, Teacups, Pots and Kettles

August 18, 2006 2

There’s been a positive storm brewing recently in the land of blog regarding Inigo Wilson’s “Lefty Lexicon” over at  Conservative Home and plenty have commented. Much has […]

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Where’s That Handbasket?

August 14, 2006 1

I see that others have picked up on this story already, but I can’t resist a comment of my own. The BBC was yesterday plunged […]

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Where My Muse Takes Me

August 13, 2006 2

I was eight years old when I was first introduced to poetry. My form mistress during that second year at primary school was an imposing – […]

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Of Cabbages and Kings

August 13, 2006 1

Having been on holiday for the past week, I’ve not felt much inclined to blog. This post therefore is a bit of a catchup on […]

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Travelling in France

August 5, 2006 2

At 05:30 yesterday morning I was checking our rail tickets as I explained to my mother in law when our connections were at Waterloo and […]

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The Silly Season Continues Apace

August 3, 2006 2

Prayers and Crime The police in Lincolnshire are hoping to harness the power of prayer in solving crime: Police and Christian groups in Lincolnshire are […]

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On Being Childfree

August 2, 2006 2

Jeremy Vine was discussing the matter of couples and children the other day. In this instance, how things worked out for those who discovered that […]

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Children to be Fingerprinted

July 30, 2006 1

The Observer carries a story today about the EU plans for a childrens’ database containing the fingerprints of all children possibly from the age of […]