The Silly Season Continues Apace

Prayers and Crime

The police in Lincolnshire are hoping to harness the power of prayer in solving crime:

Police and Christian groups in Lincolnshire are to combine forces to tackle crime with the power of prayer.

Churches and Christian groups will get emails alerting them to crimes on which they can then focus their prayers.

The Prayer Watch scheme has been proposed by the Lincolnshire branch of the Christian Police Association (CPA).

I wonder sometimes, really I do. Remind me, which century is this? What happened to sifting through the evidence and detective work? Prayers involve talking to… well, what, exactly? Who knows? And if this God really exists, are we to believe that he, she or it, just sits around waiting to see if there are enough prayers from the faithful before pointing a finger at whodunit? Really? It must be the silly season for news. Mind you, Jeremy Vine had a guest on today to discuss this very matter; one Gerald Coates who seemed to think that it was a fantastic idea; despite there being no scientific evidence to back up any of his assertions – relying as he did entirely on anecdote to convince us that this hokum really works. Thank goodness for the reasoned arguments of psychologist Dr Sue Blackmore who preferred evidence to superstition. Frankly, the idea of relying on superstition to solve crimes is akin to returning to the ducking stool and trial by combat; oh, and Gerald Coates came across as a deranged lunatic – that’s the power of radio for you… :dry:

Identity Cards Again

Continuing the silly season theme, we have the Right Dishonourable Blair reminding us that identity cards are to be in the Labour party manifesto at the next election. A major plank no less. I can think of another plank, but that’s another matter…

Prime Minister Tony Blair has insisted that identity cards will form a “major plank” of the Labour Party manifesto at the next General Election.

His pledge, which comes despite the fact he will step down before then, was made in his monthly news briefing.

Mr Blair was responding to recent delays in the identity card scheme.

He insisted ID cards were “a huge opportunity” and necessary to tackle immigration and crime. He added there was no doubt the scheme “goes forward”.

Huge opportunity? A huge opportunity to waste billions of pounds of taxpayers’ money and achieve absolutely bugger all in return. Notice that he plays the fear card again; it’s needed to control all those Johnny foreigners coming over here and stealing our jobs. FFS!

Mr Blair went on: “If people want to track illegal migration and organised crime in this country, you’ve got to have ID cards. Any other solution simply won’t work.”

Bollocks! It was bollocks the first time this dissembling arsehole said it, it is bollocks now and will continue to be bollocks no matter how many times he says it and no matter how much he puts on his fake sincerity face and gesticulates appealingly at us. He lied before, he is lying now. Nothing this man says can be trusted. Please, Tony, do the decent thing, just this once in your tawdry, pointless existence and go. Go now and take your damned identity card scheme with you and never darken our shores again.


  1. The policing story is just plain ridiculous, and unfortunately seems to be an arrurate reflection of the malaise infecting the upper echelons of any government agency – sheer, unadulterated stupidity.

    As to ID cards – I think you know where I stand. The huge opportunity TB referred to is, I think, the opportunity to enslave and interfere in as many people’s lives as possible. Like you I’m sick of the lies, the spin and having that arse of a human being spout crap at every opportunity, while the media lap it up. I’m looking forward to the day when TB is ousted from No 10, preferably by an angry mob who can dish out some of his much beloved summary justice.

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