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A Silly Story, but…

June 16, 2006 3

Okay, I know it’s one of those silly season stories, but it illustrates keenly just what is wrong with our society. Muzak is the bane […]

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Quote of the Day

June 11, 2006 2

Tiny Judas posting on the Devils Kitchen: For those caught in “football fever’s” Cholora-esque grip we are only 48 hours in and already faced with […]

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Campbell’s World Cup Blog

June 10, 2006 2

Alistair Campbell has started a blog about the (yawn) World Cup. In it, he lambasts women journalists. Ex-spin doctor Alastair Campbell has launched an attack […]

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Guardian Quote

June 8, 2006 4

According to Neil Harding, this venerable blog was quoted in the Guardian the other day. It would have been the 6th, I think. Neil’s comment […]

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Flags ‘n’ Cars

June 6, 2006 0

I see a backlash is starting to build against those fluttering St Georges that adorn so many cars at the moment. I’m not sure why […]

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Whit Monday in France

June 5, 2006 0

President Chirac decided that the Whit Monday holiday should be abolished in France. It has back-fired somewhat as the French ignore his decree give him a […]

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June 5, 2006 3

There are doubts, apparently, about the terror raid last week. The one where police acting on a tip off raided a house and someone was […]