Guardian Quote

According to Neil Harding, this venerable blog was quoted in the Guardian the other day. It would have been the 6th, I think. Neil’s comment was made in the early hours of the 7th, so I reckon by “today” that is what he meant.

I presume that this was the paper edition as I can’t find any reference in the on-line one and Neil isn’t saying. So I’m left wondering whether I should be basking in the glow of my 15 minutes or angrily refuting some allegation. Given that my recent comments about the Guardian and two of its staff writer was less than complimentary, I’m suspecting the latter :devil:

And, Neil, if you read this, come on, do the decent thing, put me out of my misery and spill the beans.


  1. It was the ‘Today on the web’ section on June 6th, page 2, you were quoted as follows;

    “Oh, dear, we’ve been here before, haven’t we? Recall the ricin plot last year? The one where there was no ricin, there was no plot and there was no terrorist cell. Yes, that ricin plot.”

  2. And they weren’t telling me off for lambasting their journalists… :whistle:

    Reckon I’ll bask in my 15 minutes, then. I wonder if there’s any money in it?

  3. Nah, they did us once, and quoted a comment I made on a certain Labour Cllr’s blog (and credited him, he was most put out, I was amused) once as well. Each time, they’d simply done a blog search and lifted relevent quotes, they weren’t always relevent, coherent or even sensible; mine was pretty poor really.

    It’s a “we must cover the blogs” bone, completely irrelevent really. Pick up a copy, look at page 2, get lots of crappy blogs to look at, decide not worth the effort, and go away again.

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