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Fingerprint Shopping

March 9, 2006 4

There’s been a discussion over at NO2ID about the idea of fingerprint technology being used for shopping. Supermarket customers are being offered the chance to […]

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Slippery Slopes

March 8, 2006 6

I saw a reference to the idea of people with a particular mindset as being deemed mentally ill over at Samizdata the other day. The […]

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Animal Wrongs?

March 7, 2006 2

There’s an interesting rant over at the Devils Kitchen by Tiny Judas on the rights and wrongs of peoples’ relationship with animals. Actually, the first […]

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Atheism – Weak or Strong?

March 7, 2006 5

Whatever the ins and outs of the PM’s religious comments on Saturday, there’s a frisson in the blogosphere in their wake. I’ve never discussed my […]

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Oh Bugger!

March 6, 2006 0

My BMW R1150RT is an excellent machine. Rarely has it caused me any problems. However, on getting it out today to nip into town for […]

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More ZANU Labour Shenanigins

March 5, 2006 2

Geoff Hoon, no doubt irked by the Lords’ ongoing resistance to the totalitarian tendencies of ZANU Labour wants to put a stop to such nonsense. […]

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A Muslim on Free Speech

March 5, 2006 0

Kishwer Falkner is calling for members of her community to be more tolerant of free speech. She also wants to see the blasphemy laws repealed: […]

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‘Pon My Word

March 4, 2006 2

I’ve had a sharp reminder this week about the relationship between writers and readers. It’s not a new lesson, I’ve been forced to reappraise my […]