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So Here We Go Again

November 1, 2020 Longrider 14

Another lock-down. We could see it coming and I suppose my feeling at the moment is more quiet despair than raging anger. I’m all out […]

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October 7, 2020 Longrider 17

Laurence Fox has exposed the cancel culture nonsense for what it is. Drag Race UK star Crystal is suing the actor Laurence Fox. In a […]

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September 23, 2020 Longrider 10

Once more our police farce descend into a level of buffoonery that is hard to comprehend. Not content with being ridiculed when this happened at […]

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They Had a Study…

September 23, 2020 Longrider 5

Yep, they had a study to tell us the blindingly obvious. Plastic face shields allow nearly 100 per cent of tiny airborne droplets released by […]

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Well, Duh!

August 24, 2020 Longrider 11

You need to be a doctor to work this one out? I managed with a failed A Level in biology months ago. Coronavirus will be […]

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Self Awareness, Much?

August 7, 2020 Longrider 10

For some while there’s been an ongoing legal dispute between Sargon Of Akkad and Akilah Hughes. If, you’re not aware of it, Count Dunkula goes […]