Oh, Do Fuck Off

You and the horse you rode into town on.

The data is in: men are too fragile to wear Covid-19 masks. Grow up, guys

So says Priya Elan writing bollocks in the Guardian. Without wishing to poison the well, he’s the deputy fashion editor, so hardly an expert in the field of health, so why we should take anything this vacuous journo has to say remains to be seen.

The reason we are refusing to wear masks is nothing to do with masculinity, it is because we are dealing with a disease that is at worst, a bit more harmful than seasonal flu and we are intelligent enough to realise this and to understand how these viruses tend to fizzle out and become less virulent due to evolutionary pressure.

The BMJ published research that came to the conclusion that anyone with any common sense would have realised.

Conclusion: The largest and most pragmatic trial (which informs on how facemasks will perform in the real world) assessing the benefit of facemasks vs no mask is suggestive of more harm than benefit.

Conclusion: The evidence from pragmatic trials (people wearing masks in everyday settings) suggests wearing of facemasks both induces risk compensation behavior and increased virus spreading from poor mask quality.

Priya Elan is doing what the Guardian always does, resorting to the ad hominen because people dare to go with the actual science and basic common sense instead of wearing face nappies like good little sheep. And having a go at the male and pale members of society is just so right-on these days.

But the truth is that mask-wearing shouldn’t have to be complicated. It should just be common sense.

Who’s with me?

You wouldn’t know common sense if it walked up to you and bitch slapped you across the face with a wet kipper. We have immune systems and unless they are compromised, we should allow them to work as intended. If you bothered to do even the most basic research – which, being a journalist, you haven’t – you would realise that only about 26% of those who are exposed to the virus catch it. You would also realise that this is not the bubonic plague with a kill rate of over 30%, but a variant of the flu with a kill rate of less than 1% that kills those who are already dying for the most part. There is no need to walk about wearing stupid masks – especially in the open air.

You, sir, are an idiot, so no, I’m not with you and your article is dire garbage that a semi-literate infant school student could better. And “the data is in” is stretching the English language to beyond breaking point. The claptrap in the article does not quote data, it quotes anecdote and innuendo, which is not the same thing. It is nothing more than a snide attempt to discredit the other side. The level of maturity is about what I would expect from a professional hack these days. The sheer level of bullshit makes it the usual turgid, woke word salad that I’ve come to expect from the execrable, disgusting, lie-filled, muck-raking rag that you write for. Fuck off and take your hand-wringing bet-wetting idiocy with you… Oh, and take your own advice and grow the fuck up.


  1. I’ll take your word about most of the article since I won’t be registering even for free. I did try to wade through another such turgid tract a week ago but had to give up. Remember the old retort to Civil Servatese ? “Do You Talk Like That At Home ?”. Perhaps majority of graud readers do wear masks so the article will prove how big and brave and strong they are.

    As for Fauci, he’s the American Ferguson who a generation ago warned that AIDS could be passed by casual social contact, leaving friends and family believing they were doomed for sharing a bottle of wine rather than engaging in robust anal rogering.

    • You don’t need to register to see it, but it’s a great big turd so probably best not bother.

    • I like it when people wear masks. It means they are less likely to infect me. I do not wear a mask as it provides absolutely no benefit to me

  2. Journalist? I thought you said this was in the gaurdian? What would a journalist be doing there?

    • Journalist has been redefined to mean far left, halfwit activist. And the use of halfwit is being generous.

  3. “Deputy fashion editor”
    That made me think of the song Magazines by Katie Spencer:

    “Magazines read today that floral prints are in, the only place that’s true is inside your head. It’s a shallow make believe world…”

    Knowing stuff about fashion surely marks you out as an air head.

  4. Functional masks such as surgical ones have membranes that can stop aerosols and particles up to 3 micrometres. The virus is 100 to 120 nano metres in diameter. Your basic NHS mask is for show. It is a psychological encouragement for the person seeing you wearing one. Nothing more.

    • The whole purpose of any surgical mask is to mitigate the flow of expired air and reduce the radius of infection over open wounds.

      However, peak SARS-Covid-19 infection passed months ago, so the idea of wearing a surgical mask all the time for non-medical personnel outside of an operating theatre or for reverse barrier care is frankly ridiculous.

      This whole frightened of your own shadow thing has gone on far too long.

      • Yet only recently has it been made compulsory for All hospital staff to Always wear them on the premises, nursing staff are not happy and neither is their Union.

  5. <i>”…Priya Elan writing bollocks in the Guardian…”</i>

    I’m unaware of anyone writing <i><b>anything</b></i> in The Guardian which isn’t bollocks.

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