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Oh, I Can Fix That For You.

December 30, 2016 Longrider 1

Martin Kettle: Nevertheless, the progressive alliance option is undoubtedly a growing debate. At its core are three propositions. The first is that the majority of […]

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December 2, 2016 Longrider 3

Guy Verhofstadt The European Parliament’s lead negotiator in Brexit talks has mocked David Davis over the Conservative’s shock by-election defeat in Richmond. So what part of […]

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Owen Jones; Idiot

November 24, 2016 Longrider 6

Well, the teenage trot is at least consistent in his idiocy. Gay people are racist. Or, more to the point, they shouldn’t list particular preferences […]

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November 20, 2016 Longrider 7

It seems Jezza has upset the perpetually offended again… But Jeremy Clarkson’s show The Grand Tour has brought with it the familiar whiff of controversy […]

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Idiot Alert

November 19, 2016 Longrider 9

Jonathan Freedland, okay, okay, I know, low hanging fruit and all that. However, this risible piece is a peach. Even assuming that he is right […]

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Oh, Please!

October 17, 2016 Longrider 10

Seriously? A Tory councillor campaigner is calling on parliament to make supporting EU membership a criminal offence under treason laws. The petition ‘Amend the Treason […]

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Absolutely Not

October 14, 2016 Longrider 5

Special rules for electric cars. Electric cars could be given priority at traffic lights and exempted from one-way systems, under new proposals. The government’s planned […]

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Off With Their Heads

August 28, 2016 Longrider 5

I’ve heard some hysterical overreactions in my time, but the remain in the EU mob really are stretching it. Labour’s shadow international trade secretary Barry […]