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April 10, 2018 Longrider 12

Because intervention in Iraq and Libya worked out so well, didn’t it? Tony Blair has said Britain should support take military action against Bashar al-Assad in […]

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March 30, 2018 Longrider 5

Chutzpah indeed. Two surviving members of the Isis cell known as “The Beatles” have accused the government of violating international law by stripping them of British citizenship. […]

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November 5, 2017 Longrider 12

Bring our boy home? Really? The parents of a middle-class Muslim convert from Oxford who claims he has been tortured by Kurdish militia plan to […]

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In Which I Agree

April 11, 2017 Longrider 8

With Paul Mason. Yes, indeed, so make the most of it while it lasts. Could Britain ever fight a just war in Syria alongside Trump? […]

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Oh Dear

February 20, 2014 Longrider 0

Makes you wanna cry… A 19-year-old Briton believed to have travelled to Syria with a friend who was later killed in a gun battle, has […]

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Damn Good Thing, Too.

December 30, 2013 Longrider 0

“There is now a question mark about what parliament actually will authorise military support for,” Burt said. “There is the Gibraltar and the Falklands – […]

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Status Check

August 31, 2013 Longrider 7

Our status needs checking apparently. Chancellor George Osborne says he expects some “national soul searching”. Those who argue a fundamental change has taken place put […]

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Good Lord!

August 30, 2013 Longrider 5

Words fail me. David Cameron was defeated in the Commons as MPs rejected a motion on the principle that military action could be required to […]

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Here We Go Again…

August 28, 2013 Longrider 20

Echoes of Tiny Blur and the great invasion of Babylon are bouncing about the walls of Whitehall. Britain has a responsibility to take action to […]

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And So It Goes…

August 27, 2013 Longrider 7

The bastards just can’t help themselves. The UK Parliament is to be recalled on Thursday to discuss possible responses to a suspected chemical weapons attack […]