Liam Donaldson and more Control Freakery

Liam Donaldson just cannot help himself. Here, he engages in some valedictory bossiness.

The chief medical officer today berates the nation for its slothfulness, saying that inactivity is pervasive in England and the cause – and future cause – of worsening health.

If a drug existed that would improve health as drastically as taking more exercise, it would be hailed a miracle cure, says Sir Liam Donaldson in his last On the State of Public Health report before stepping down.

Actually, I wish he’s just step down. We have already heard far more than we need to from this man.

“Inactivity pervades the country. It affects more people in England than the combined total of those who smoke, misuse alcohol or are obese,” says Donaldson. “Being physically active is crucial to good health. If a medication existed that had a similar effect on preventing disease, it would be hailed as a miracle cure.”

It’s none of the government’s business. If we choose to be slothful, drink our livers into oblivion and smoke ourselves to death that is our choice. We know what the risks are and we choose, in full knowledge of those risks, which ones we will take. It is no concern of the chief medical officer and none of the state’s.

Most people fail to take enough exercise, he points out. Studies show that 61% of men and 71% of women do not meet the minimum levels of activity that are recommended by the department of health.

Like all those other minimum recommendations, eh? As we all have different bodies, the amount of exercise, like the amount we need to consume and the amount of alcohol we can tolerate will vary. Therefore, I eschew government recommended guidelines and go with what my body tells me. I’m an adult. I expect to be treated as one. When the government and its useful idiots get on their soap boxes to treat me as a child, I treat them and their message with contempt.

He also wants minimum activity levels built into public health programmes and standardised across the whole of England.

Good God! Why is my mind full of images of fit young Aryans all doing their exercises in unison for the cameras? Liam Donaldson can take his minimum activity levels and stick them where the sun don’t shine. I will decide how much exercise I need, not him.

And, last but not least:

Government and health leaders should drive lifestyle changes in order to combat climate change which will impact badly on health.

Oh, FFS! Just piss off, man and spare us your control freakery. Enough already.


  1. I will take exercise on May the 6th or whenever and walk to my local polling station and vote his shitty, control freaky government into oblivion.

  2. Poor Liam. He must have been bullied terribly at school.

    Look, Liam. Here’s the deal: you piss off out of our lives and instead spend more time living in your own. Deal? You twat.

    Oh, and who the hell gave him the ‘Sir’ bit? Mongoloids.

  3. What’s that saying, Doctor Heal Thyself. Fat cunt should just shut the fuck up, damn hypocrite.

    Come the revolution this cunt would be first up against the fucking wall, mind you it would need to be a substantial wall.

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