More Bank Holidays?

The TUC are campaigning for another bank holiday – probably about this time of the year. There are 117 days between August Bank holiday and the Christmas break. The TUC is asking HMG for another three days to bring us in line with the European average.

On BBC Breakfast, this led to an interesting discussion about the effect of wealth and the desire for more leisure. Since my redundancy a little under a year ago, I’ve had plenty of time to ponder this concept. I rejoined the ranks of the self-employed and ply my trade as a trainer and assessor in the NVQ learning units among the companies of my erstwhile employment – the rail sector. Okay, so it’s a famine or feast existence and during my first year, it’s been mostly famine (thank goodness for the redundancy payout), but I have more leisure and even reaching my previous salary will only mean working part time. So, what is the net effect? I have more leisure time to do what I want to do. I no longer have to cope with the daily grind to London and tolerate the awful corporate politics. When I do work, I’m on top of it and can give of my best. I have the time to exercise more, I eat proper meals regularly so I’m happier, healthier and fitter both mentally and physically.

More leisure is good for you – take my word for it.