That Time Of The Year

There’s an interesting discussion going on over at Rider Site about Christmas. One wag decided to get in first with his greetings.

This led to a fairly predictable admonishment to those of us who expressed a desire to keep Christmas confined to December. Now while I have no beef with people who like the festive season, I don’t like it myself. Usually when I mention this, the response seen on Rider Site comes out and I’m accused of being miserable, a killjoy or party pooper. None of these things is true. I commented earlier about the need for more leisure and I am more than capable of enjoying myself – I just don’t like Christmas.

I recall a few years back traipsing through the jostle of Broadmead in Bristol enduring the muzac that passes for festive cheer when I realised that I just couldn’t do this anymore. So I stopped. The result has been less stress and an ability to watch the world becoming increasingly manic through autumn while I stand detached on the edge of the maelstrom. This year I’ll be passing the time in France where there are no crowds and the loudest thing I’m likely to hear is next door’s chickens.

So, what is it I don’t like about Christmas? Here’s my list:

Holiday Nazis The people who believe that their way of fun is the only way and anyone who doesn’t join in is wrong, a killjoy or a party pooper. The people who just can’t accept that it isn’t for everyone.
Christianity One of the most destructive religions to beleaguer mankind. They had the effrontery to steal the pagan midwinter festival and pass it off as their own.
False Bonhomie Peace on Earth is all very well – but after the break everyone goes back to being awful to one another.
The Christmas Album Schmaltzy cheesy tat.
Gluttony Eating and drinking to excess is ugly and antisocial.
Christmas Cards See "The Christmas Album"
Having it rammed down my throat from September onwards.
Commercialism See "The Christmas Album"