Thank Goodness I’m Not a Londoner…

Sue Mott takes the anti-Olympic bid folk to task. In her rant in the Telegraph, she rails against those Londoners who object to increased council taxes to pay for this unnecessary junket. Oh, dear, that makes me a member of the "carping, miserable bunch" that are the anti-Olympic bidders. Actually, we’re not. And why do sports fans presume that those of us who don’t like it are miserable? Having this sporting event thrust upon us whether we like it or not is an act of supreme arrogance. And to expect people who wish to have nothing to do with it foot the bill is compounding that arrogance. If I was a Londoner, I would object…vigorously. We pay enough taxes as it is.

Ms Mott chooses to fuddle the figures by claiming that the increased council tax is merely 38p per week. In doing so, she is trying to belittle the overall cost of £1.6bn that council tax payers will have to cough up whether they like it or not. Ah, but it’s all in the name of sport and that’s good for us. Oh, well, that’s okay, then.