Missing; presumed having a good time

Just over 3½ weeks ago, Thutmose our grey and white tomcat went missing. As he usually disappears for several days at a time we were not too worried at first. Then as the days dragged by and one week became two weeks, we started to worry. We decided perhaps now was the time for action and set in motion the usual activities involved with missing pets; posters in the local Post Office and veterinary surgeons, contacting the pets search agencies, the local dogs and cats home, the RSPCA, and of course taking walks out where we know that he haunts. Near to the back of our house is a cycleway that runs through the common. This is cat heaven and I spent several trips walking and cycling in the area looking for him.

Then after nearly 3½ weeks he breezes in large as life, sits down and demands food. As if nothing had happened in the last 3½ weeks. It is only when the animal returns alive and well, that you start to realise just how worried you had become. I spent much of yesterday telephoning and e-mailing various agencies that we had contacted regarding his disappearance to let them know that he had turned up. Meanwhile, Thutmose is under house arrest while we arrange a trip to the veterinary surgeons for microchipping and of course the dreaded snip. Hopefully this will curb his wandering habits. And my, isn’t it good to have him back.


  1. Damn, doesn’t he have an arrogant expression on his face!

    I had a grey tom that did the same thing…only I never saw him again. The two cats I have now are strictly indoor cats.Visit me @ http://confessionsofalibertine.blog-city.com/

    [Longrider replies] He does arrogance. Indeed, he still looks at us just the same way. It’s the thought that we might not have seen him again that means we are getting him neutered – even though I hate doing it. Still, his concubine is expecting, so there will be some little Thutmoses come the end of May.

  2. What a good news story! Thutmose is absolutely magnificent. Rather than saying he looked arrogant though, I would have said he looked deep.

    Me 🙂Queenie

    [Longrider replies] Actually –W– is right; he is an arrogant little sod. It’s a part of his charm. I guess that’s what being a Tomcat is all about; rape and pillage with a little charm thrown in for good measure. He is a delightful cat with a friendly disposition.

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